Professional ServicesProfessional Services in the Steelville area, are listed here.

Photo of MIzell Funeral
MIzell Funeral
904 W Washington Cuba MO 65453
Phone: 573-885-3355
More than just a building, a funeral home is defined by the owners and staff. Mizell Funeral 's success today is largely due to providing the finest in funeral service to families in Cuba and surrounding areas. It is due to the compassionate and professional owners, and their attention to the comfort provided every family served. We are your friends, your neighbors....the people who are here for you when you need us most. We are honored to serve your family, provide guidance and care for your loved one. Please call or stop by when you need assistance in making funeral arrangements for a loved one, or planning your own wishes in advance. There is never any pressure or obligation.
Website: Updated 7 years ago Return to top.